
  • Stoicism and Empathy: The Compassionate Heart of Ancient Wisdom

    When we think of Stoicism, we often conjure images of stern-faced philosophers, unmoved by the world around them. It’s a common misconception that Stoics advocate for a life devoid of emotion, a misunderstanding that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, Stoicism, with its emphasis on virtue and human interconnectedness, has empathy at its…

  • The Stoic Approach to Relationships: Building Meaningful Connections in a Fast-Paced World

    Forging and maintaining meaningful relationships can feel like an uphill battle, especially in an hyperconnected yet often emotionally disconnected world as the one we live in today. Enter Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that’s experiencing a modern renaissance. But what does a school of thought founded in Athens around 300 BCE have to offer when it…

  • Radical Simplicity: Finding Freedom in a World of Excess

    In a world where more is often considered better, the idea of radical simplicity stands out like a minimalist painting in a baroque gallery. But what if less isn’t just more? What if less is the key to freedom, happiness, and a life well-lived? Let’s dive into the world of radical simplicity and see how…